Colaborar/Donate El Ojo iluso


Dear friends and collaborators, It is with great enthusiasm that we address you on this occasion to request your valuable contribution to this edition of the Animation Film Festival «El Ojo Iluso». This event, born in San Cristobal, Tachira state, is the result of the initiative of the Bordes Cultural Foundation, an institution dedicated to promoting the arts and cultural studies in the Venezuelan Andean region.

(Español más abajo)









Thank you for being part of this exciting cultural journey!
Below you have the PAYPAL link or you can collaborate through ZELLE with the email:

Below you have the PAYPAL link or you can collaborate through BANCOLOMBIA QR

Thank you very much to all










¡Gracias por ser parte de este emocionante viaje cultural!
Abajo tienen el enlace o pueden colaborar a través de zelle con el correo:

Muchas gracias a todos






@elojoilusofest Instagram
@ElOjoIluso X (Twitter)
El Ojo Iluso Facebook


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